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Message 1357 - Posted: 11 Sep 2012 | 22:17:25 UTC
Last modified: 6 Mar 2013 | 9:09:08 UTC

We have just added application/platform for Raspberry Pi running Raspbian and possibly any of the other OSes available for it (not verified yet). In theory the app should run on anything that reports armv6l-linux-gnueabihf or arm-linux-gnueabihf platform (if it does not, or if you have armv6l device which reports another platform-string, please let me know).

Unfortunately I have no idea how to set the udev on Raspbian to allow access to the sensor for users other than root, the standard trick described here http://radioactiveathome.org/boinc/forum_thread.php?id=46 doesn't work, perhaps someone else will find a solution.
I did all the tests as root and the app seems to work just fine.

EDIT: To allow access to the sensor as non-root (this also applies to default "pi" user on raspbian) the .rules file has to contain this:

ATTR{idVendor}=="16c0", MODE="666", GROUP="plugdev"

it looks like the syntax has been changed.

The Vendor ID above is only for sensors up to v3.0.
3.01 uses new vendor id which is "04d8".

Alessandro Freda
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Message 1520 - Posted: 15 Dec 2012 | 19:17:32 UTC - in response to Message 1357.
Last modified: 15 Dec 2012 | 19:18:05 UTC

We have just added application/platform for Raspberry Pi running Raspbian and possibly any of the other OSes available for it (not verified yet). In theory the app should run on anything that reports armv6l-linux-gnueabihf or arm-linux-gnueabihf platform (if it does not, or if you have armv6l device which reports another platform-string, please let me know).

I've just try to attach the project from a Raspberry running the image build for QCN project ( http://qcn.stanford.edu/sensor/forum_thread.php?id=880 ) and got this error message:

Message from server: This project doesn't support computers of type armv6l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf

Profile TJM
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Message 1521 - Posted: 15 Dec 2012 | 21:36:52 UTC - in response to Message 1520.

Try running one of these apps as standalone, to see if they work.

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Message 1547 - Posted: 30 Dec 2012 | 6:44:21 UTC - in response to Message 1357.

We have just added application/platform for Raspberry Pi running Raspbian and possibly any of the other OSes available for it (not verified yet). In theory the app should run on anything that reports armv6l-linux-gnueabihf or arm-linux-gnueabihf platform (if it does not, or if you have armv6l device which reports another platform-string, please let me know).

Unfortunately I have no idea how to set the udev on Raspbian to allow access to the sensor for users other than root, the standard trick described here http://radioactiveathome.org/boinc/forum_thread.php?id=46 doesn't work, perhaps someone else will find a solution.
I did all the tests as root and the app seems to work just fine.

It works. My RaspberryPi finished his first WU.
I tried it with your "standart trick" but dont work.
I changed in the file 53-rdioactive.rules:

ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", MODE="666", GROUP="plugdev"

the sensor was found and work fine.

cu JagDoc

Alessandro Freda
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Message 1548 - Posted: 1 Jan 2013 | 23:46:33 UTC - in response to Message 1521.

Try running one of these apps as standalone, to see if they work.

Sorry, may be I missed a step, because perform an update no WU is downloaded and continue to see this message:

02/01/2013 00:30:49 | Radioactive@Home | update requested by user
02/01/2013 00:30:50 | Radioactive@Home | Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
02/01/2013 00:30:50 | Radioactive@Home | Requesting new tasks for CPU
02/01/2013 00:30:52 | Radioactive@Home | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
02/01/2013 00:30:52 | Radioactive@Home | Message from server: This project doesn't support computers of type armv6l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf

I've copied the exe in the correct directory and performed the steps about the 53-rdioactive.rules file. So I see this files:

pi@raspberrypi ~/BOINC/projects/radioactiveathome.org_boinc $ ls -lrt
total 856
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 2890 Jan 1 23:05 sensors.xml
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 861184 Jan 1 23:05 radac_1.69_armv6l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 0 Jan 1 23:51 boinc_lockfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1694 Jan 2 00:30 stderr.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 135 Jan 2 00:30 data.bin

Notice running manually radac the sensor after create the 53-rdioactive.rules file the sensor seems works:

tail -f stderr.txt
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted
Could not find any of the devices listed in sensors.xml: Device communication error
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted

00:28:56 (2029): Can't open init data file - running in standalone mode
Radac $Rev: 496 $ starting...
sensors.xml: 6 nodes found
Found sensor v2.51
604142,201,2013-1-1 23:28:56,593,f,381683167
650622,221,2013-1-1 23:29:42,593,n,381683167
697102,236,2013-1-1 23:30:29,593,n,381683167

Must I create also a app_info.xml file ?

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Message 1549 - Posted: 2 Jan 2013 | 10:38:30 UTC - in response to Message 1548.

Try running one of these apps as standalone, to see if they work.

I've copied the exe in the correct directory and performed the steps about the 53-rdioactive.rules file. So I see this files:

It must be 53-radioactive.rules

cu JagDoc[/b]

Profile TJM
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Message 1550 - Posted: 2 Jan 2013 | 11:24:58 UTC - in response to Message 1549.
Last modified: 2 Jan 2013 | 11:28:45 UTC

Detach from the project, reattach and check again. I've just added support for Debian running on Pi.
I don't know why the platform string differs, however the executable is the same as Raspbian one and it seems to be working.

Alessandro Freda
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Message 1551 - Posted: 2 Jan 2013 | 18:43:36 UTC - in response to Message 1550.

Detach from the project, reattach and check again. I've just added support for Debian running on Pi.
I don't know why the platform string differs, however the executable is the same as Raspbian one and it seems to be working.

Mumble, continue got the same error:

Host Project Date Message
raspberrypi Radioactive@Home 02/01/2013 19.36.15 Detaching from project
raspberrypi http://radioactiveathome.org/boinc/ 02/01/2013 19.40.54 Master file download succeeded
raspberrypi http://radioactiveathome.org/boinc/ 02/01/2013 19.40.59 Sending scheduler request: Project initialization.
raspberrypi http://radioactiveathome.org/boinc/ 02/01/2013 19.40.59 Requesting new tasks for CPU
raspberrypi Radioactive@Home 02/01/2013 19.41.00 Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
raspberrypi Radioactive@Home 02/01/2013 19.41.00 Message from server: This project doesn't support computers of type armv6l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf

Profile TJM
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Message 1552 - Posted: 2 Jan 2013 | 19:24:28 UTC - in response to Message 1551.
Last modified: 2 Jan 2013 | 19:24:45 UTC

Please try again, perhaps I forgot to restart feeder/scheduler after making changes.
If it still won't work, I'll test it on Pi myself tomorrow.

Alessandro Freda
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Message 1553 - Posted: 2 Jan 2013 | 20:25:56 UTC - in response to Message 1552.

Please try again, perhaps I forgot to restart feeder/scheduler after making changes.
If it still won't work, I'll test it on Pi myself tomorrow.

Ok, thanks, now BOINC download and run the client but got another error:

Host Project Date Message
raspberrypi Radioactive@Home 02/01/2013 21.23.57 Scheduler request completed: got 1 new tasks
raspberrypi Radioactive@Home 02/01/2013 21.23.59 Starting task sample_1316107_0 using radac version 170 in slot 1
raspberrypi Radioactive@Home 02/01/2013 21.24.03 Computation for task sample_1316107_0 finished
raspberrypi Radioactive@Home 02/01/2013 21.24.03 Output file sample_1316107_0_0 for task sample_1316107_0 absent

Profile TJM
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Message 1554 - Posted: 2 Jan 2013 | 20:29:50 UTC - in response to Message 1553.

Which host ID is this ? Your hosts are hidden.

Alessandro Freda
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Message 1555 - Posted: 2 Jan 2013 | 20:39:40 UTC - in response to Message 1554.

Which host ID is this ? Your hosts are hidden.


Alessandro Freda
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Message 1556 - Posted: 2 Jan 2013 | 21:25:44 UTC - in response to Message 1549.

Try running one of these apps as standalone, to see if they work.

I've copied the exe in the correct directory and performed the steps about the 53-rdioactive.rules file. So I see this files:

It must be 53-radioactive.rules

cu JagDoc[/b]

Thanks, I renamed the file but got the same error.

Profile TJM
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Message 1557 - Posted: 2 Jan 2013 | 22:06:09 UTC - in response to Message 1556.
Last modified: 2 Jan 2013 | 22:06:49 UTC

Could you check what is inside radioactiveathome folder in the BOINC data dir, and what's inside the slot ? It looks like the app is unable to find sensors.xml, which is required.

EDIT: nvm, I've just noticed I made a mistake in the file name, fixing it right now.

Alessandro Freda
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Message 1558 - Posted: 2 Jan 2013 | 22:19:11 UTC - in response to Message 1557.

Could you check what is inside radioactiveathome folder in the BOINC data dir, and what's inside the slot ? It looks like the app is unable to find sensors.xml, which is required.

EDIT: nvm, I've just noticed I made a mistake in the file name, fixing it right now.

pi@raspberrypi ~/BOINC/projects/radioactiveathome.org_boinc $ ls -lrta
total 864
drwxrwx--x 4 pi pi 4096 Jan 2 21:06 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 2890 Jan 2 21:06 sensors_raspberry_1.70.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 13 Jan 2 21:06 sensors_raspberry_1.70.xml.file_ref_inf
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 861184 Jan 2 21:06 radac_1.70_armv6l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 180 Jan 2 22:04 stderr.txt
drwxrwx--x 2 pi pi 4096 Jan 2 22:04 .

pi@raspberrypi ~/BOINC/slots/1 $ ls -lrta
total 8
drwxrwx--x 4 pi pi 4096 Jan 2 22:19 ..
drwxrwx--x 2 pi pi 4096 Jan 2 22:19 .

pi@raspberrypi ~/BOINC/slots/1 $ ls -lrt /etc/udev/rules.d/
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 47 Dec 15 18:59 99-input.rules
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 114 Dec 16 20:39 40-scratch.rules
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 88 Jan 2 00:18 53-radioactive.rules

pi@raspberrypi ~/BOINC/slots/1 $ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/53-radioactive.rules
ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", MODE="666", GROUP="plugdev"

About the file, I've run the usermod command for 'pi' user:

usermod -a -G plugdev pi

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Message 1559 - Posted: 2 Jan 2013 | 22:37:28 UTC - in response to Message 1558.

I've updated the app to 1.71, should be working now.


Alessandro Freda
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Message 1560 - Posted: 2 Jan 2013 | 23:06:26 UTC - in response to Message 1559.

I've updated the app to 1.71, should be working now.

Seems ok now :)
First WU is running:

Profile TJM
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Message 1561 - Posted: 2 Jan 2013 | 23:07:57 UTC - in response to Message 1560.

Do you see any progress ? The app might be running, but if there's anything wrong with the udev permissions, it won't see the sensor.

Alessandro Freda
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Message 1562 - Posted: 3 Jan 2013 | 0:34:52 UTC - in response to Message 1561.
Last modified: 3 Jan 2013 | 0:38:27 UTC

Do you see any progress ? The app might be running, but if there's anything wrong with the udev permissions, it won't see the sensor.

Yes, the WU is at 16% now, I've set preference to about 9h/WU, and after the start the beeper go correctly to quite mode.

A diff with PC: the backlight seems a bit less brigth.

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Message 1567 - Posted: 7 Jan 2013 | 15:36:38 UTC - in response to Message 1562.

After few days Raspberry seems work fine (also with QCN client/sensor running).
This is my host:


Just a question: I must migrate to user root the whole BOINC directory to use a feature of QCN modded BOINC client (7.1.0) that rise the priority of QCN client.
Do you think that may impact with problems the Radioactive client ?

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Message 1568 - Posted: 7 Jan 2013 | 15:41:24 UTC - in response to Message 1567.

Nope, the QCN modded client runs nci tasks at higher priority which is also good for our app.

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Message 3182 - Posted: 27 Mar 2015 | 5:32:49 UTC

Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere, but I recently got a Raspberry Pi B+ running Raspbian.

It runs Einstein tasks fine but when I connect to Radioactive@home the sensor if never detected (buzzer and backlight stays on). I'm not sure which version the sensor is, but its case is a plastic pipe if that helps?

In the stderr.txt I'm getting the following over and over:

"Warning: cannot query manufacturer for deive: error sending control message: operation not permitted"

"Debug (openDevice): 16c0:05df obdev.at/datastore not found or could not be accessed: Device communication error"

"Debug (openDevice): 16c0:05df obdev.at/radioactiveathome.org GRS not found or could not be accessed: Device communication error"

(Please note those are not copied and pasted so there might be some small errors)

Any ideas what the problem is?

Cheers :D

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Message 3183 - Posted: 27 Mar 2015 | 11:34:51 UTC - in response to Message 3182.

That sounds very similar to the problem I had. I think your sensor is an earlier version, but you may need to do the same thing...

Under Linux, there are a couple of other things you may need to add, since the client runs under its own userid of "boinc" and won't be allowed access to the usb port unless you tell Linux to allow it (it'll just sit there not talking to the sensor until the WU timer expires).

See my post on another thread at

... then hopefully you'll get a bit further. I don't know why the buzzer stays on though.

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