Any explanation for this peak?

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Profile Saenger
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Message 668 - Posted: 4 Jan 2012 | 16:04:33 UTC

I just saw in my sig this peak:

I've copied the picture, because it will probably leave the sig soon (screenshot taken at 1600UTC).
The detector sits on my window sill in about 7m height at a public street.

How long is one whatever at the bottom btw?

Gruesse vom Saenger

Profile ChertseyAl
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Message 669 - Posted: 4 Jan 2012 | 18:37:20 UTC - in response to Message 668.

How long is one whatever at the bottom btw?

40 seconds:

Quite a sharp spike - Electrical interference? Gamma Ray Burst? LHC exploded? Radioactive pigeon flying past? ;)



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Message 670 - Posted: 4 Jan 2012 | 18:41:49 UTC

Actually, it would nice to be able see one's own graph with other sensors within a reasonable distance automagically, with the times aligned.

Would be useful for checking 'events' like this.

Given the limited number of sensors it would probably be OK to display all of the graphs on one page.

Just a thought :)



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Message 672 - Posted: 4 Jan 2012 | 19:25:38 UTC - in response to Message 668.

The detector sits on my window sill in about 7m height at a public street.

If you are far from a high traffic street then it's probably a glitch. If you are on a major thoroughfare then there is a good possibility someone drove by your window with a load of radioactive material that was leaking radiation. Perhaps some stolen plutonium? A terrorist with a dirty bomb? It happens.


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Message 673 - Posted: 4 Jan 2012 | 20:29:42 UTC - in response to Message 668.

maybe you did a reset on your PC and the graph was not generated as intended?
look here:

this was in the results for your host-id:

3320305,91,10,2011-12-03 11:52:56,53.064697,8.812038,0.663,n
3320306,91,16,2011-12-03 11:53:35,53.064697,8.812038,0.662,n
3322137,91,160,2011-12-03 12:04:19,53.064697,8.812038,10.054,f
3322138,91,6,2011-12-03 12:04:59,53.064697,8.812038,0.662,n
3322139,91,8,2011-12-03 12:05:39,53.064697,8.812038,0.662,n

maybe time and date are wrong.. or are there only old dates in the database?

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Message 674 - Posted: 4 Jan 2012 | 22:16:56 UTC - in response to Message 673.

Yes, that explains it and I bet I can get a big spike in my graph simply by shutting down BOINC for 10 minutes then restarting it. The sensor will accumulate lots of pulses and report them all on one line which will cause a spike, if the theory is correct. Then the graphing function needs to divide the pulses by the sample time or something like that?


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Message 675 - Posted: 4 Jan 2012 | 23:29:36 UTC - in response to Message 674.

Here are the data:

6201896,1016,10,2012-01-04 22:49:11,49.663364,-112.798454,0.659,n
6203174,1016,8,2012-01-04 22:50:12,49.663364,-112.798454,0.358,f
6203175,1016,10,2012-01-04 22:50:52,49.663364,-112.798454,0.659,n

Hmmm, I shutdown BOINC for 10 minutes but the time indicates only .358 minutes and I see no spike on my graph.



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Message 714 - Posted: 23 Jan 2012 | 19:17:43 UTC

Any shutdowns and restarts should not affect readings.
The sensor simply keeps running with or without the app.

There were some minor issues resuming previously suspended workunit, but I think they were fixed.

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