Project reporting

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Profile Ascholten
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Message 954 - Posted: 3 Apr 2012 | 22:56:46 UTC

Sometimes I see that a project will finish, and it will poll the server and be told, no more projects, this computer has reached it's limit on tasks. What is happening is the project has uploaded and is in the 'ready to report' status, or is waiting to upload or something and then it won't give you another task even though you are not currently running one.

Sometimes it can take a few minutes or a bit longer before the project repolls and finally reports the task and gets it's new one. Instead of the computer sitting there idle because of this oddity in protocol, how about allowing computers to have a max of two tasks each. This way while it's playing games getting the finished one reported, uploaded etc, it's busy on it's new one and you don't have any down time.


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Message 956 - Posted: 4 Apr 2012 | 12:22:06 UTC - in response to Message 954.

This is a known issue with all non-cpu projects I think, here it may be sligtly worse due to trickles (more contacts with the scheduler); report_results_immediately helps (it's a cc_config option).

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